Bookshelf Award of Canada

Who We Are

Focusing on non-fiction, The Bookshelf Award of Canada is an award given annually to an author (or authors) who best exemplify the Canadian spirit of writing the things that go on the shelves. With the rise in popularity of e-books and “going paperless”, the bookshelf itself may eventually become obsolete, or repurposed to hold things like nik-naks or candles from around the world. But the drive to research obscure topics and then write about them in one’s own words will remain. The Bookshelf Award of Canada honours not only those who tell the stories, but the stories they tell.

Recognizing excellence not only in writing, but in size, shape and “shelfability”, the Shelfie is one of the most distinguished Awards in Canadian literature, ranking third (alphabetically) of all the awards given out today.

With a cash Award of over $600 (in gift cards and coupons), The Bookshelf Award of Canada is partly responsible for shaping the landscape of Canadian Literature.

Some former winners of the Shelfie include:

Margaret Atwood…Conversations with Wayne Gretzky.
Pierre Berton…Hurtin’ for Berton: Why The Ladies Love Pierre (unpublished)
Leonard Cohen…How to Talk Sing
Alastair MacLeod…The Littlest Hobo: One Dog’s Journey to Everywhere
Miriam Toews…How to Correctly Pronounce Toews: A Guide.


Not only is this year’s recipient thick enough to stand on it’s own, but it is slim enough to squeeze into an already packed case. The 2016 Bookshelf Award of Canada winner is a deserving tome dedicated to the country itself.

“Too often Canada is overshadowed by our neighbour to the south (America).” Stefanie Schaefer, Bookshelf Award Executive Director commented. “They see Canada as a land of apologies and extraneous letter U’s. Well, we’re sorry, but stop painting us all with the same colour.”

This year’s winners paint our country with all the colours in their palette, and then some’ It shows readers that Canada is a rich mosaic of tiles making up a mosaic that everyone wants to look at. Packed with information, tidbits, lists, and a few diagrams for the lazy reader, this guide will show you a Canada you never could have imagined.

Congratulations to the winner of the 2016 Bookshelf Award of Canada,
This is That Travel Guide to Canada.